User Roles and Access Levels
Table of Contents
When using the VAT4U platform, different user roles can be assigned to your team members with varying levels of access and permissions. This guide provides an overview of the available roles and their specific access levels within the system.
1. Administrator
Administrators have full control over the platform and can access and manage all features. They can invite new users, create claims, and manage the entire claim lifecycle. Their permissions include:
- Manage company info: Yes
- Manage users: Yes
- Access reports: Yes (all reports)
- VAT recovery module: Full access
- Companies tab: Yes
- Invoicing tab: Yes
- Create/view tasks: Yes
Administrators have unrestricted access and are responsible for overseeing the entire platform.
2. TAX Manager
TAX Managers have wide-ranging access to key areas but are limited when it comes to financial data. This role allows users to view and modify expense data, create claims, and adjust claim details. However, Tax Managers cannot modify users.
- Manage company info: Yes
- Manage users: No
- Access reports: Yes (except financial reports)
- VAT recovery module: Full access
- Companies tab: Yes
- Invoicing tab: No access
- Create/view tasks: Yes
All in all, tax managers handle company information, reports (excluding financials), and VAT recovery management.
3. Data Entry
Data Entry users focus on managing their tasks, with limited access to other areas of the platform. Users with this role can add or modify expenses and related documents. They can also perform mass data imports and connect to other data sources.
- Manage company info: No
- Manage users: No
- Access reports: Yes (own performance data only)
- VAT recovery module: Yes (can add and manage expenses)
- Companies tab: No
- Invoicing tab: No
- Create/view tasks: Yes
4. Auditor
Auditors have read-only access to all company resources, including expenses, claims, and other documents. They cannot make any changes.
- Manage company info: No
- Manage users: No
- Access reports: No
- VAT recovery module: View-only access
- Companies tab: View-only access
- Invoicing tab: No access
- Create/view tasks: Yes
Auditors mostly focus on reviewing VAT data and company information without the ability to edit.
5. Batch Processor
Batch Processor is the role with the fewest privileges. Batch Processors can only process batches of invoices assigned to them through Tasks by other users. They cannot view companies, add new invoices, or create VAT claims.
- Manage company info: No
- Manage users: No
- Access reports: Yes (own performance data only)
- VAT recovery module: Yes (access to assigned expenses in Data Entry tasks)
- Companies tab: No
- Invoicing tab: No
Create/view tasks: Yes