The Claim Refund Status field under the Manage VAT Claims tab helps you track the progress of your VAT refund claims. It provides insight into each stage of the claim process, ensuring you can effectively manage and follow up on each claim:
Below is a detailed breakdown of the various statuses that can be applied to your claims:
Action Required
The claim is created but not yet finalized. It can be edited before submission.
Edit and finalize the claim.
The claim is finalized, verified, and queued for submission or sent to the client for further processing.
Await submission or VAT report download.
The claim has been submitted or sent to the client for local or domestic claims.
No action required after submission.
Tax authorities have raised a question or issue. The claim is in Query status until resolved.
Provide required documentation.
The claim has been approved for refund or the Domestic VAT report validated to be included in a VAT return.
No further action is needed.
Only a part of the expenses is approved for refund. The remaining expenses are under review or rejected.
Review the claim for further action.
The entire claim is rejected. No refund will be issued.
No refund; reconsider the claim or file an appeal.
The claim is under appeal following a rejection or partial approval.
Await new decision from tax authorities.
The claim is created but not submitted, often due to falling below the refund threshold or a decision not to pursue.