How to Upload a Decision on a VAT Refund Application
Once you receive a decision from the Tax Authorities regarding your VAT refund application, you can easily upload the decision in VAT4U and update the application’s status. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:
1. Access the VAT Refund Application
- Navigate to VAT Recovery > Manage VAT Claims.
- Select the VAT refund application you wish to update and click on its ID. A new window will open. Please note that you can only upload a new decision for approved claims.
2. Add a New Decision
- Go to the Decisions & Appeals tab.
- Click on the Add New Decision button.
3. Update the Decision Status
- Under Decision Status, choose the appropriate status.
- Complete the fields for Date Received and Deadline for Appeal (if not provided in the decision letter, contact the Tax Authorities if you plan to appeal).
- Upload a copy of the decision letter or email from the Tax Authorities in the Decision Documents section.
4. Save the Decision
- Click the Save button. A pop-up will appear, notifying you that an email can also be sent to the email address displayed.
- After saving, go to the Overview tab and refresh the page to confirm that the status of the claim has been updated.
5. Handling Partially Approved Claims
If the Partially Approved status is selected, an additional step will follow after clicking Save:
- The system will display all the lines/invoices in the application. For each line/invoice:
- Rejected Invoices: Under Refund Status, click the green REFUNDED button and change it to Rejected.
- Partially Refunded Invoices: Click the Pencil icon under Approved (Local Currency) to adjust the refunded amount to match what was actually received from the Tax Authorities.
- At the bottom of the page, the system will calculate and display the total amount refunded by the Tax Authorities.
By following these steps, you can efficiently upload a decision and update the status of your VAT refund application, ensuring your records stay accurate and up-to-date.