How to Set Up Your Profile Settings
To set up your profile settings, start by clicking on the My Account button in the bottom left corner. This will open the General Information section where you can customize your profile.
Here, you can select the title Mrs., Mr., or leave it as None. Enter your first and last name, and if you have an academic title, you can choose between Dr., Prof., or None. You can also add your job title. If you'd like, there’s an option to include your full address and phone number, but this is completely optional.
To personalize your profile further, upload your picture by either selecting a file from your computer or simply dragging and dropping it into the designated Profile Picture area.
If you’re associated with multiple companies, you can select the specific Company that your profile belongs to from the drop-down menu:
All fields in the profile settings are optional, so you can skip any that don't apply. Once you've made your changes, click Save General Information at the bottom to ensure everything is updated.
Your profile is now set up!