Performance Analytics Report
Table of Contents
Performance analytics provides an overall view of how invoices are being processed, showing the speed, profitability, and team performance metrics. It details the number of invoices processed per group, the volume of clients handled, and the overall workload of the team, all within specific timelines. Data is available from April 17, 2020.
Important Notice: Performance Reports Activation
Performance reports require activation by the administration of a user's home company, as they involve tracking metrics such as time tracking. You should only request activation in compliance with legal requirements affecting the users you manage. Ensure that your users are aware of this tracking, as it is your responsibility.
You have options to filter by date range, allowing you to view performance over specific periods. Additionally, you can filter by user to assess how each user’s performance impacts the overall picture. You can also select multiple users. You can even select a specific company to see the number of invoices processed or the amount of time spent on that company by the selected user.
You can also filter by batch processing ID, which is particularly useful for tracking data entry tasks. This feature lets you see exactly how many invoices were included in each batch, which user processed them, the VAT allocated to those invoices, and the total time taken to complete the batch.
Time Allocation Overview
This section summarizes how time is distributed across different activities for the selected timeframe and users, giving a clear view of:
- Time spent on VAT4U: The total hours allocated to VAT4U-related tasks.
- Time spent on Data Entry: The hours dedicated to data entry tasks.
- Time spent on other sections: Time invested in other areas within the platform.
When you select a single user and click on the clock button below the Generate report, you can view their presence on the platform over time, including the exact days and how much time was spent on specific tasks, along with a timeline of their activities.
However, before this data becomes available, users must first give their consent. Upon accessing performance analytics for the first time, a pop-up will appear informing you that you need to request access to performance reports. This request can only be made if monitoring performance aligns with local regulations or your company's legal framework. Users must ensure that time tracking and performance monitoring are permitted by their local legislation or company policies. Once the access request is submitted, someone from the VAT4U support team will review it and either approve or deny it.
Data Entry Performance
Here, you’ll find metrics related to data entry productivity, breaking down invoice verification by different VAT amounts. You can view the performance of the user by tracking the average time spent per transaction, including the minutes spent processing each invoice and the average time per expense type, whether it’s a travel expense, accounts payable, or another category. You can also compare the number of invoices verified within this period to the same period last year, providing valuable insight into year-over-year performance.
This part also includes:
- Total Number of Invoices Verified: The complete count of invoices processed.
Invoices by VAT Range:
- Invoices with VAT over 500 EUR
- Invoices with VAT between 10 and 500 EUR
- Invoices with VAT under 10 EUR
- Average Number of Invoices Verified per Hour: A measure of verification speed and efficiency.
VAT Processed Information
This section shows details about VAT amounts processed by the selected user during the chosen period:
- VAT Processed (excluding invoices > 500 EUR): The total VAT amount handled, excluding higher-value invoices.
- Average VAT per Invoice (excluding invoices > 500 EUR): The mean VAT value for smaller invoices.
What we're showing here is the amount of VAT processed, excluding accounts payable. Typically, accounts payable are considered to be above 500 euros, although this isn't a strict rule. This KPI provides a clear picture of how efficiently data entry handled the VAT processing on smaller invoices, typically related to travel expenses.
Top 10 Time Allocation by Customer
To better understand which customers require the most time, this report section ranks the top 10 customers by time allocation, allowing you to quickly see where the efforts were concentrated.